Sustainable Urban Development - Smart Cities (SUD-SC)

Project details
Architecture & Urban Development
Project volume: 
2,089,586 €
Value of services: 
1,358,231 €
Start of project: 
November, 2018
End of project: 
March, 2021
Project background: 

Rapid urbanisation in India is expected to further increase, which is likely to result in half of India’s population to live in cities by 2030. This process constitutes complex challenges for cities. The provision of the urban population with adequate living space and basic services (water, sewage, and solid waste) is of central importance. Since 2015, the Indian Government has increasingly reacted to this problem by establishing various public funding missions. While the initial funding strategies were mostly sector specific, the Smart Cities Programme for the first time offers integrated approaches and strengthens the implementation role of the states and cities. Implementation will initially focus on the states of Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Odisha, and the Smart Cities Kochi, Coimbatore and Bhubaneswar. The project supports approaches for sustainable urban development in the area of integrated planning, provision of pro-poor housing and basic services with particular focus on water, wastewater and solid waste management.

Service description: 

Specific tasks of the Consultant:

Related to output A:

  • Assist the GIZ team the development of national orientation guidelines related to sustainable urban development.
  • Assist the GIZ team in the formulation of recommendations to enhance synergies between on-going national funding missions.
  • Assist the GIZ team in the compilation of good practice examples and case studies for improved basic service delivery based on city level experience.
  • Examples shall be selected based on agreed criteria and subject to GIZ approval.

Related to output B:

  • Assist the GIZ team in the development of orientation frameworks for affordable housing provision.
  • Assist the GIZ team in the development of a concept and pilot tool for local monitoring of the UN sustainability goals related to SDG 11 at city level, including testing the application of the tool, the analysis of results, and documentation.

Related to output C:

  • Assist the GIZ team in the development of state directives for sustainable urban development.
  • Select state and city level institutions for the needs assessment in collaboration with GIZ team.
  • Conduct training needs assessments of selected institutions, state departments and relevant departments of municipal corporations.
  • Identify and assess potential state training institutes as cooperation partners for training activities in collaboration with the GIZ team.
  • Based on the results, suggest thematic areas for training programmes.
  • Assist training providers in the preparation and implementation of training modules related to selected thematic areas, including curriculum development, training of trainers, approval process with relevant institutions, financial aspects, promotion of training courses, coordination and organizational aspects, evaluation methods, etc.
  • If required, assist GIZ in the formulation of local subsidies for training institutes related to training activities.
  • Support the GIZ team in the preparation and facilitation of events for experience exchange with urban local bodies.

Related to output D:

  • Assist the GIZ team in the analysis of the current urban development and planning processes of state level institutions related to gradual introduction of integrated planning procedures.
  • Assist the GIZ team in the establishment of cross-sector cooperation procedures between state and city level institutions.
  • Assist the GIZ team in the development and application of planning tools for integrated urban development.

Related to output E:

  • Arrange a joint kick off workshop with the GIZ project management and local partners in each of the partner cities with state level representatives.
  • Plan and conduct a baseline assessment on the current status of basic service provision and pro-poor housing approaches.
  • Considering results of the baseline assessment, the consulting team shall prepare a preliminary list of potential project interventions for each of the 3 cities according to a set of criteria which shall be developed jointly with the GIZ team and subject to GIZ approval.
  • Plan and conduct initial planning workshop at ULB level in each city to present results of the baseline assessment including preliminary suggestions for project interventions.
  • Results of the assessment and the initial planning workshop shall be documented in the inception report which shall be submitted five months after commissioning of the work.
  • Plan, implement and document measures in cooperation with implementing partners at city and state level according to the agreed work plan.
  • Assist the GIZ team in the process for the selection of additional cities for replication of good practice measures to improve basic urban services and pro-poor housing provision.
  • Provide demand oriented advisory services to departments and institutions in charge of infrastructure project planning and quality assurance at city and state level throughout the planning, procurement, implementation and monitoring process for infrastructure investment projects with particular focus on projects financed by national funding missions.

Overall objective: Responsible national, state and municipal institutions have applied concepts for sustainable urban development with regard to the provision of urban basic services and housing in selected smart cities.

Specific objectives/intervention areas:

  1. “National orientation framework for sustainable urban development and basic urban services" aims to support MoHUA to improve the conditions for promoting sustainable urban development under the national funding missions (Output A).
  2. “National orientation framework for the pro-poor provision of housing" aims to support MoHUA to improve the conditions for pro-poor housing and monitoring of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (Output B).
  3. “State level framework for the steering and implementation of sustainable urban development" aims improve conditions for the development and roll-out of sustainable urban development approaches in selected states (Output C).
  4. “Integrated urban development in Smart Cities" aims at enabling institutions involved in urban development in selected cities and states to develop tools for integrated urban development planning (Output D).
  5. “Provision of housing and basic municipal services in Smart Cities" aims to strengthen institutional and operational capacities for sustainable municipal services provision and adequate housing for the urban poor in selected cities and states (Output E).


A. The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) has improved the enabling framework for promoting sustainable urban development under the national funding.

B. The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) has improved the enabling framework for promoting the provision of housing for the urban poor and for the monitoring of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

C. In selected states the enabling framework for the development and dissemination of sustainable urban development approaches are improved.

D. In selected cities and states institutions in charge of urban development have developed tools for integrated urban development.

E. In selected cities and states institutional and operational capacities for the sustainable basic urban services and adequate housing provision in low income areas are strengthened.
