Water and wastewater sector budget support – Accompanying measures

Project details
Burkina Faso
Donor organisation: 
Associated enterprises: 
Project volume: 
209,910 €
Value of services: 
104,955 €
Start of project: 
October, 2014
End of project: 
March, 2016
Project description: 

Within the framework of the international cooperation between Germany and Burkina Faso, the KfW Development Bank made available funds to Burkina Faso for the implementation of water and waste water infrastructure facilities and for the guidance of the relevant actors during the taking over and management of these investments. Thus, within the context of this sector budget support, KfW Development Bank intended to strengthen the capacities of the relevant stakeholders concerning the sustainable infrastructure management (component 1) and the quality assurance system in connection with investment planning and implementation (component 2).

Service description: 

Capacity building

  • Carrying out an initial study in order to specify the fields of operation of the project; and
  • Development of fact sheets describing 35 training subjects selected by the three leading departments of ONEA (DPI, DEX, DASS):
  1. Objectives of the training session,
  2. Technical content to be developed during the training session,
  3. Provisional distribution of the learning situations to be adopted: presentations, tutorials, case studies, site visits, practical exercises,
  4. Estimated duration of the training session.
  • Design of a training plan under ONEAS’ direction
  1. Identification of trainers to conduct the training courses,
  2. Estimation of number of participants per training subject in order to estimate number of training sessions for each training item,
  3. Planning parameters for implementation of the training programme (guide lines),
  4. Financial parameters for implementation of the training programme.
  • Elaboration of ready-made education kits (training manual + tool PowerPoint) for the finally selected training subjects
  1. Asset management
  2. Geographical Information System (GIS)
  3. Troubleshooting methods
  4. Pump dimensions
  5. Operation and maintenance of dosing pumps
  6. Design and operation of wastewater pumping stations
  7. Operation and maintenance of sludge treatment stations

Quality assurance system

  • Proposing terms of reference to ONEA for a study assessing the current status of the quality assurance system regarding investment planning, contractual follow-up and works supervision
  • Carrying out this study under ONEAS’ direction (analysis of processes, interfaces, documents, indicators)
  • Elaboration of the diagnostic and presentation of recommendations for improving ONEAS’ performance
  • Monitoring and coaching of the implementation of the recommendations
  • Organising a consensus-building process on ONEA’s management levels involved in the implementation of the recommendations (participatory method, topical and cross-sectional meetings):
  1. Reduction of number of processes
  2. Removal of business procedures
  3. Reduction of relevant and monthly calculated indicators
  4. Definition of new working tools (“internal documents”) and delivery of templates for standard documents

The accompanying measures of this sector budget support focused on assisting ONEA in realising professional trainings and strengthening the local actors (agents of ONEA and the municipalities), NGOs and private operators in planning, implementation and sustainable operation of the water and wastewater infrastructure aiming at enduring management:

  • Capacity building of the personnel of ONEA, the municipalities and private operators in small and medium towns on technical, commercial and financial tasks.
  • Analysing ONEA’S current quality assurance system and recommendations and supporting a dialogue organisation based on the evaluation results.

